Firefighter and First Responder
Route Options and Participation Types

When registering, you will have multiple participation types to select from. Please note you will have to select HOW you are participating under each participation type (i.e. you can select ULTIMATE FIREFIGHTER if you want to climb 64 floors, and during the registration process, will need to select “full gear” or “partial gear”).

You will NOT be able to change participation types or route length after March 17. Absolutely NO exceptions. So, please read your emails when we confirm your participation type.

Ultimate Firefighter

Ultimate Firefighters will complete the Climb twice, climbing 64 floors total (1,382 steps approximately). Ultimate Firefighters will climb separate from regular firefighter participants and will have a $250 fundraising minimum due by March 23.

  • This category will only have a “full-gear” and “helmets & packs only” option. Junior / Explorers will be able to self-identify as well for their awards category.


Firefighters climbing 32 floors at Seneca One Tower, approximately 691 steps. Regular Firefighters will climb separate from ultimate firefighter participants and will have a $100 fundraising minimum due by March 23.

  • This category will have a “full-gear”, “full-gear and ON AIR”, and “helmets & packs only” option. Junior / Explorers will be able to self-identify as well for their awards category.

First Responder

Firefighters, including juniors / explorers, or other First Responders (police, military, EMS) NOT climbing in civilian clothing or some gear (EMS, military, police), climbing 32 floors at Seneca One Tower. This group will be representing their agency or department with some gear or civilian clothing. These participants will go separate from Ultimate Firefighters and Firefighters in gear (unless a junior / explorer, which will go with their department regardless of apparatus) for safety purposes and will have a fundraising minimum of $100 due by March 23.

  • You will be able to identify which type of first responder you are during registration for additional awards categories.

Please note: Your team members are welcome to sign up for any route length (ultimate or regular) or participation type (full gear, full gear and on-air, partial or no gear). If your team has participants in multiple categories, they will be climbing separately based on their category to help us keep awards categories separated and for safety purposes. Please coordinate with your team on registration! Your times (besides the ultimate and regular route categories) will not finish too far from each other, so we still encourage you all to celebrate at our Finisher Celebration.