How do Better Breathers Clubs work?
Living with a chronic lung disease can be easier. Better Breathers Clubs are welcoming support groups for individuals with lung disease and their caregivers. Learn better ways to better cope with lung disease while getting the support of others in similar situations.
Who teaches the program?
Better Breathers Clubs are facilitated by an American Lung Association-trained instructor.
What do we learn?
Better Breathers Clubs meet regularly and feature educational presentations on a wide range of relevant topics, including:
- How lung disease affects the lungs
- Breathing techniques
- Exercise
- Talking with your physician
- Medications and other treatment options
- Medical tests
- Supplemental oxygen
- Home healthcare
- Lung transplants
- Air pollution
Benefits of attending a Better Breathers Club?
Educational topics offered at meetings provide members with up-to-date disease specific information that is relevant to managing their lung disease. Living with lung disease can feel isolating. Talking with others who are going through similar situations can help. Often members find ideas, tips and suggestions being exchanged during the meetings are invaluable to improving their quality of life.
How do I register?
Please use our online form to communicate your interest in joining the Better Breathers Club - La Jolla, CA.