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Join the Force for lung health

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When you arrive at a LUNG FORCE Run/Walk, you will receive a LUNG FORCE Action Passport. The Action Passport provides a guide to each mission related area at the Run/Walk - Take a Stand, Raise Your Voice, Breathe Deeper, Build Our Force and Break a Sweat - mingle and learn! Be sure to have your passport stamped at each area and when you collect all 5 stamps, turn in your Action Passport for a chance to win a great prize!

Take a Stand

Together we can TAKE A STAND and advocate for lung health policies supported by the American Lung Association.

Raise Your Voice

An area where you can help us spread the word about LUNG FORCE through social media, and sign our Force to be Reckoned With banner. Be a voice for change and inspiration!

Breathe Deeper

Learn more about the mission of the American Lung Association and take advantage of educational opportunities on run/walk day.

Build Our FORCE

In this area, we ask our participants to spread the word about LUNG FORCE through social media by taking selfies or group photos to show their support of #LUNGFORCE.

Break a Sweat

Fitness is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Join us at the Break a Sweat activity area on event day to participate in some fun group warm-ups like Zumba or yoga.

Nationally Presented by

CVS Health

Thank You to Our Local Sponsors