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Step Up to the Challenge

American Lung Association


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Tell EPA: We need cleaner gasoline and cars

Earlier this morning, EPA announced a new proposal to cleanup gasoline and cars. If put in place, these new limits will dramatically cut the air pollution we breathe every day.

Air pollution levels in this country are too high, making people sick and cutting lives short. Standards covering gasoline and tailpipe pollution have not been updated since 1999.

Big oil companies are trying to stop the new standards, but we can’t let them.

What can you do to help? Provide the support EPA needs to put strong standards in place.

We need you to tell EPA that you support strong standards.

Cars, light trucks, and SUVs emit harmful air pollutants that mix together to form ozone smog and particle pollution (soot). Smog and soot pollution can make it difficult to breathe, trigger asthma attacks, worsen lung and heart health, and cause premature death.

Stand up to big polluters: Tell EPA to adopt cleaner gasoline and vehicle standards.

New standards will significantly cut dangerous air pollution from vehicles, lower health care costs and reduce sick days, and bring much needed relief to people who live in communities near roadways and highways. These standards are long overdue.

Tell EPA you support new standards to cut motor vehicle pollution and protect your health. 
Standards to clean up harmful air pollution from gasoline and cars are long overdue.


Tell EPA we need cleaner gasoline and vehicle standards.
Thank you for all you do.

Peter Iwanowicz
Director, Healthy Air Campaign
American Lung Association
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