American Lung Assocciation: Fighting for Air

70% Of Hoosiers Support Increasing The Tax On Cigarettes: Let Your Lawmakers Know You're One Of Them

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Tell Congress: Fund Lung Health Programs

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Join the American Lung Association in calling on Congress to pass funding bills for the next fiscal year that prioritize lung health now and into the future.

Tell Secretary Becerra to Act Quickly to Remove Menthol Cigarettes

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Removing menthol cigarettes and many flavored cigars from the marketplace will prevent many kids from starting to smoke and promote quitting, especially among Black Americans.

Tell Congress: Commit to keeping the Clean Air Act in place

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Tell Congress today Commit to keeping the Clean Air Act fully intact and oppose any attempts to weaken it.

Delivering Clean Air

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Dirty diesel trucks and other heavy-duty vehicles are putting health and lives at risk all across the country. But there's a cleaner, healthier future on the horizon.

Tell Congress to Take Action to Save Lives from Lung Cancer

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During our annual LUNG FORCE Advocacy Day (April 6, 2022), lung cancer advocates from across the nation will join together to meet virtually with their members of Congress.

Support Investments for Electric School Buses that Improve Lung Health

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Help us keep the pressure on Albany to invest in a healthier future for our children by asking lawmakers to support and fund Governor Hochul's bold goal of 100% electric school buses across New York by 2035.

Tell Your Member of Congress to Cosponsor the Elijah E. Cummings Family Asthma Act

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Please take a moment to send a letter to your U.S. House Representative to urge them to cosponsor the Family Asthma Act.

IN - Cigarette Tax Increase Calls

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Call your state senator to let them know you support raising Indiana's cigarette tax.

Help Us Increase Lung Cancer Screening

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Please join our efforts to increase lung cancer screening through the Cancer Moonshot Initiative.