Why We Climb

We climb for our friends and loved ones who suffer from lung cancer and all lung diseases. Let's make sure everyone can benefit from healthy lungs.

Why I Climb - Rona

Rona White Why I Climb

Hi, I’m Rona and my journey has been one of hope and self-advocacy. I'm climbing because in 2017, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Lung Cancer. I had surgery and was "cured" because it was caught early. However, in 2021, I was diagnosed with advanced stage lung cancer for which there is no cure, yet. I started a targeted therapy, and the doctors were happy with the stable results. In 2022, the doctors reduced the dosage in half due to the side effects. In 2023, I was taken off targeted therapy as it was causing lung toxicity. Now I’m taking a daily chemotherapy drug and I get chemo infusions every three weeks. 2024 will be 7 years since my initial diagnosis. It is my belief that 7 years completes a cycle and in 2024, I will be completely healed of lung cancer. I believe research will lead to a cure.

I’m climbing to raise awareness so that lung cancer receives more than 6.5% of cancer research funds despite being the leading cause of cancer deaths. I’m climbing for my daughter and future generations. I’m climbing for my brothers and sisters in this lung cancer battle with me. I’m climbing for increased lung health for all. I’m climbing for a cure!

Why I Climb - Eric

Eric Cooper Why I Climb

To whom much is given much is required. Service is the rent we pay to be citizens on Earth.

I climb because someone needs help to breathe.

I climb because we are close to cures for lung related diseases.

I climb because one day I might need help from the American Lung Association.

I climb because for every step I take I am walking in the shoes of those that don’t have the luxury of taking breathing for granted.

After 10 years, I still find it a privilege and an honor to raise money for such a much needed and worthy cause