Day of Event Information
The 5K begins at 9:00 AM after the Opening Ceremonies. There will also be a 1K Mission Mile Route beginning at 10:00 AM. Please make sure you arrive early for registration starting at 8:00 AM.
Atlantic Station is centrally located in Midtown Atlanta just west of the I- 75/85 junction.
You are welcome to use the Atlantic Station Parking Garage, which offers a FREE parking period of up to two hours (Parking Deck Only). 1381 Market St NW Atlanta, GA 30363 The main parking deck entrances are located Market Street and State Street.
Park on P1 in the Purple section. Follow signs to Stair 7 and take the escalator up. The green space (event area) will be to your left at the top of the escalator.
Participants are responsible for any assessed parking fees.
Parking and Driving Directions
Atlantic Station
1380 Atlantic Dr NW
Atlanta, GA 30363
Spirit Poms
At registration, you will be given a Spirit Pom to wave with pride as you walk. In this small, spirited way, we can recognize loved ones who are currently struggling with lung disease as well as those we have lost.
Why I Run/Walk
Remember or honor a loved one who’s life has been affected by lung cancer or lung disease, by visiting our Why I Run/Walk Mission Area.
LUNG FORCE Heroes are patients, caregivers, family, friends and co-workers of those who are impacted by lung cancer or lung disease. These brave individuals share their powerful real-life stories online and at events to help raise awareness and educate the public about what it’s like to live with lung cancer or lung disease. If you're interested in becoming a LUNG FORCE Hero, please contact Brooke Cowen.