Run the Rocks 2024
Move Your Ass-thma
Hello! As you know, I have been involved with the American Lung Association for many years, ever since I was diagnosed with COPD at National Jewish. I was on the board for five years and chaired the Fight for Air Stair Climb for 2 years.
Growing up with asthma never really curtailed my activities, and being on oxygen off and on for the last 7 years (mainly in Vail), has kept my lungs relatively healthy.
Well, a few weeks ago, (8/18) I was dealt a blow. I currently have several pulmonary emboli in all quadrants of both lungs. I'll be on blood thinners and 24/7 oxygen for the foreseeable future (at least three to six months). There are many follow-up tests on the horizon and the hope is that no permanent lung damage will occur. Therapies could be indefinite; it just depends on how well everything comes together in my healing.
I need your help now more than ever. Please join me in walking the Lung Association's Run the Rocks on October 13, 2024. You don't HAVE to register, but I encourage you to do so.
Use this link to make a donation or join my team: