Who wants to Run the Rocks with me this Sunday to Run for Ritva?!? Yes it’s true… I will once again be tricked into working out to raise funds for lung health in memory of my mother, Ritva Mancini!!! Ok, it’s actually going to be super fun so YOU should come join me or please donate if you are able! Click the Donate Now button to help me reach my goal! I miss you everyday mom and wish you were here to meet the love of my life and my wonderful step-son! RIP mom
If you had told me, even four years ago, that I would be training and running in memory of my mother, Ritva HS Mancini, I wouldn't have believed you. As someone who used to say, "I only run if something is chasing me", I would not have been your top recruit... yet here we are! After an asymptomatic diagnosis 6 years ago I lost my mother in November 2019 to lung cancer as a non-smoker. After learning that lung cancer is the #1 cancer killer of men and women, I knew we had to advocate so that others were more informed of their risk and options for early detection. Since then, we have encountered an unprecedented time which emphasizes that lung and respitory health could not be more important with the current global pandemic.
Join our team, remember my mother's strength to get yourself going, get outside, and start training... I Run the Rocks to represent all those who suffer from lung disease, especially those who are close to my heart. You can support me in my efforts just by donating. Your generosity would mean a lot to me and all those who benefit from the work of the American Lung Association.
Lung disease is on the rise and your donation would help fund research and provide education and advocacy efforts. One step at a time, you can help me run for a better tomorrow.
To help support my efforts, and to change lives, please click on the Donate button.
Together we can fight lung disease successfully!
Let's make sure everyone can benefit from healthy lungs.
I Run the Rocks to represent all those who suffer from lung disease, especially those who are close to my heart. You can support me in my efforts just by donating. Your generosity would mean a lot to me and all those who benefit from the work of the American Lung Association.
Lung disease is on the rise and your donation would help fund research and provide education and advocacy efforts. One step at a time, you can help me run for a better tomorrow.