LUNG FORCE Walk - Jacksonville
Pauls Peeps
PAUL'S PEEPS!! We are back! I was sad to have missed out on last year’s walk, but happy to be back for another round.
As always, I'd really like to make this page about who my dad was, so if you have a memory you'd like to share please reach out to either myself or Mom or my brother and I will share it here!! Also feel free to share more than one! I can't tell you how many times I've read these and they always make my heart melt. THANK YOU!
I'll start. For those who don't know, my dad had a major sweet tooth. Not only did we have a freezer full of Girl Scout cookies all year long (thank you ladies), but after every major candy holiday, when the candy went on sale, my dad would take a shopping cart and walk down the candy aisle stiff arming the candy into the cart. My brother and I would wake up and find a refrigerator so full of candy it was difficult to find anything else. He also loved puns and thus Paul's Peeps was born.
"I will always fondly remember Uncle Paul for his gracious generosity, analytical discernment, wry wit, and kindness. He was wholly devoted to his family and lovingly patient with his in-laws. It was always a joy to fellowship with him, his family, and in-laws in Key West at Christmas - a cherished tradition. Uncle Paul, we love you and miss you."-Shane Kiser (Brother in law)
["I wanted to share a story of your father. Years ago (before I really knew ben) a group of us used to go to Denny's and sit for hours playing cards, coming in and out from drinking and such. At that time there was an AMAZING Manager who knew how to handle us. Keep us inline. Taught us how to tip for the hours we were there not just what we ordered. Some of us learned his name. Others of us just knew him as "our Denny's manager" but we all loved his stories and listening to him.
Fast forward to Ben and I getting married. Wedding day. At the reception some of those same friends came up to me and said "How did you find the Denny's manager, and get him to come to the wedding! That's awesome"
Well as you know your parents had been longtime friends of the family.
Everyone was excited to see him again.
I don't know if he ever knew how much we all loved "our Denny's manager"
I think of him when I pass Waffle House (bc you know we don't have many Denny's) and see a group of "young kids" taking up a bunch of space and I'm sure time. I wonder if they are lucky enough to have as fun, mentoring, and witty person looking out for them." - Jennifer Comfort]
"My favorite memory of Paul was having fun acting out Romeo & Edna in Italy at Epcot. You could see how much he was enjoying himself" - Emily (Wife)
"I remember going to see him at shells one time and being adamant I didn't eat anything there and then him bringing me stuff that I loved and decided I needed a shells in VA and he should make that happen." -Amber Saunders (Niece)
"When we visited in Miami, I like to do the newspaper crossword and sudoku, etc., and as you know, I'm not an early riser, so as I wouldn't be the first to see the paper, he would make copies of the puzzle page for me--and when he once visited here, he noticed that the towel rack in the bathroom was broken, and went to the hardware store and bought the matching porcelain holder for the bar, and caulked/glued it on and fixed it (not what guests are expected to do). I remember late night discussions in Key West over the holidays, and of course the Christmas Eve service and carol singing around the piano, which he seemed to enjoy. And one of my favorite, kind of quirky memories was when he would so generously treat us all to dinner when he was the manager at the seafood place, and have the fish in the tank follow him around (I'd never seen anything like it)--even they were part of his following/entourage!" - Louise Kiser (Sister-in-law)
"I remember your dad always having lots of jokes and a smile on his face!" ~ Julie Thomas (Lucas)
"First time I saw him at MCI I wasn't sure if he remembered me. So I went up to him and said hi and asked if he remembered me and he said "of course, how can I forget" and everytime I saw him in the chair or on the floors he would tell anyone who would listen how he's know me since I was a kid and that I swam with his daughter for years and he said with such joy. So that's what I remember. He always spoke about me and the memory of us growing up with such joy and love." - Sarah Restrepo
"Be a part of the FORCE to defeat lung cancer and lung disease one step at a time."