There are so many great causes and so many wonderful people who work to raise money for them. We aren't smart enough to be scientists who find cures; but we CAN do something. Whether it's joining Team Zambelli on this walk or just giving what you can, PLEASE LOOK INTO YOUR SOUL AND GIVE WHAT YOU CAN.
Our friend Lisa's family has been touched and impacted monumentally by Lung Cancer. The details are almost irrelevant. What matters is that someone we love is asking for help. In turn, Denise and I are asking for your help.
There is a time for prayers and well-wishes. THIS IS A TIME FOR GIVING CASH! We would love for you to come on the walk for the moral support, of course. But more importantly, we need your money for research.
So, if the Zambellis or the Hartmans have any pull on your heartstrings or your wallets, we are here tugging on them. Thanks, in advance.