LUNG FORCE Walk - New Jersey

Team Terry

We walk each year to raise awareness and hopefully one day find a cure to lung cancer and other lung ailments. 

We lost my Mom on June 4, 2014 to Stage 4 lung cancer. My Mom ( Terry Tirpok )  was a never-smoker. 

Until this happened to my Mom, I thought the only people who are diagnosed with lung cancer are current or former smokers. I have learned that is not true. We need to find a cure. 

Please support Team Terry. Every dollar raised goes to such a worthwhile cause. 


Thank you very much. 




Sharon Skibbee

Captain - Team Terry 

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LUNG FORCE Walk - New Jersey
Duke Island Park September 14, 2024 9:30 AM (ET)

To support our efforts, and to help save lives, register and donate now.