A month after my son Malcolm was born in 2016 I was in the hospital with a pulmonary embolism. It hurt to breathe. I was scared. Scared that the embolism would worsen, and scared for my family. I also feared that I would have permanent damage to my lungs that would keep me from doing many of the things I enjoy.
Now Malcolm is almost 8, and I'm incredibly fortunate that my lungs fully recovered and I'm able to be active. But it could have been different. So on Sept 28 I am joining thousands of other cyclists and the American Lung Association to raise money to fight lung disease and raise awareness about the importance of lung health.
Lung disease can take someone's breath away, leaving them unable to work, exercise or play. Please join me in my efforts to make a difference by making a personal or corporate tax-deductible donation.
Thank you for you support!