
Create a Memorial Fundraising Page

Create a fundraising page in memory of a loved one and then invite family and friends to honor his or her legacy.

Your Personal Page

Create a custom web page to begin fundraising and share your personal story with family and friends.

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How to Get Started

Things to think about:

  1. Pick a name for your page.
  2. Find a digital image to upload and display.
  3. Decide on your fundraising goals.
  4. Share a compelling story to honor or inspire.
  5. Provide a personal donation as the initial gift for your page.
  6. Invite friends and family to your personal page and let them know how to get involved by contributing to your page.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What are personal fundraising pages?
    Personal Pages are an opportunity for anyone with a connection to our mission - friends, supporters, volunteers, families, and others - to celebrate and share this connection. Each page includes a personal story, photos, progress towards a personal fundraising goal, and a guest book with notes of encouragement from supporters.

    We foster a thoughtful, creative, and diverse community. You will find a variety of personal pages in this area reflecting the diversity of the people we serve.

  2. Where do funds raised from these pages go?
    We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization all funds donated through personal pages go to support our work. You can read more about our mission and our programs. These funds are unrestricted - we use them to support our mission and programs wherever the need is greatest.

  3. How do I access my Champion Center?
    You can access your Champion Center by clicking here. If you are not already logged in to the site, you will be asked to do so. Next, you will be redirected to your Champion Center Dashboard. From here you will be able to select the fund you would like to work with. Be sure to bookmark or add the Champion Center Dashboard page to your favorites for easier access in the future.