American Lung Association

State of the Air 2012

State of the Air 2012 Makes National News

Since the release of State of the Air 2012, the American Lung Association has received outstanding national news coverage. We've compiled a few of our favorites from CNN, WebMD, National Journal, Huffington Post, HealthDay and Forbes.

State of the Air—in Pictures

InfographicOnly have a minute? Check out our infographic, a fun way to see the results of our State of the Air 2012 report. Our first infographic focuses on the way we gathered the State of the Air report data and shows the most polluted and the cleanest cities.

Be sure to share the infographic with your friends and followers.

We Need Your Help

State of the Air shows the tremendous progress we have made toward healthy air to breathe. But we need your help to continue that progress for cleaner air. At the urging of Big Polluters, some in Congress are now trying to repeal vital clean air standards that save lives and protect our kids from harmful air pollution. These safeguards are needed to protect us from asthma attacks, respiratory infections, and even premature death. Please take a moment to send a message to Congress to stand up for these life-saving, clean air protections and for our children's health.

Take action today. Tell Congress: Don't repeal clean air health standards.

Tweet about it: Use the hashtag: #CleanAir4Kids

Share on Facebook: "Join me and send a message to Congress TODAY: Don't repeal clean air health standards"

Visit to see your air quality report card. While you're there, learn to protect yourself and your family from air pollution and share your grades with others.

We won't rest until everyone can breathe clean and healthy air. Thank you for your continued support.


Paul G. Billings, Vice President, National Policy and Advocacy
Paul G. Billings
Vice President, National Policy and Advocacy
American Lung Association

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